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This week we have been learning about Thanksgiving. We have learned about the Pilgrims, the Mayflower and how the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims. We have also had discussions about how we continue to celebrate Thanksgiving today, with our families. Next week, we will practice re-telling the first Thanksgiving story.

We did a very fun science experiment on Thursday called "Dancing Corn," where we mixed together water, baking soda, and a handful of corn kernels. Then we added vinegar and watched the mixture bubble up. We saw how the chemical reaction between the solid and the liquid created a gas, in the forms of bubbles that stuck to the corn kernels making them "dance." We then, went to the gym and recreated our experiment with a parachute and balls!

Our literacy goal this week was writing one letter of either our first name or last name on a turkey, then putting them in the correct order.

Our math goal was to practice one to one correspondence while playing a board game.

Upcoming dates:

November 26 - Friendship Feast with 2nd Grade Reading Buddies

November 27-29 - No School

December 13 - Play Literacy at Black Earth Public Library

December 19 - Holiday Extravaganza

December 23 - January 1 - No School - Winter Break

Today, we participated in an evacuation drill. The drill is one portion of the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) concept. ALICE was created to help individuals and organizations be more proactive and empower decision making in a crisis situation. At the 4K level, we talked about having a safe place to go if we needed to leave the school for an emergency. We walked to New Heights church, and talked about how important it is to stay with the teacher and listen carefully to instructions if we were in an emergency situation. The kids all did a fantastic job today. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this drill.

Our literacy goal this week was to start at the top when writing letters.

Our math goal was to practice ABAB and AAB patterns. See if you can make a pattern with your child this weekend!

Upcoming Dates:

November 26 - Friendship Feast with 2nd Grade Reading Buddies

November 27-29 - No School

December 13 - Play Literacy at Black Earth Public Library 9:35-10:20

December 19 - Holiday Extravaganza

December 23 - January 1 - No school Winter Break